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Quality Management

In today’s fast paced delivery focused IT Groups, IT Professionals must satisfy a basic need to ensure the “Quality” of their IT Systems. IT Customers rarely think about how IT Systems work, but rather expect them to work perfectly all the time. One cannot expect that testing at the end of the software development life cycle will ensure “Quality”. A focused yet independent Quality Assurance and testing life cycle injected throughout the entire SDLC will lead you on the path to “Quality”. N2N Technologies Ltd. Quality Management Practice provides trusted QA and Testing Services to assist our customers’ meet the requirements put forth on them by their business partners. We offer a combination of software testing consulting, software testing automation, performance testing and software QA services across Quality Management. Our services are aligned with your business goals of providing quality products on time and within budgets.

Quality Management

Onshore Test Outsourcing (System, Acceptance, Regression Automationand Performance Testing) Offshore (System, Acceptance, Regression Automationand Performance Testing)

Virtual Test Team A dynamic "bolt-on" workforce team available to handle project peaks, throw away efforts, too many requestsand various other scenarios where current staffing levels cannot handle additional workloads. We can provide regression, performance/load and integration testing onsite, offsite or offshore. We are able apply individual artifacts of our customized Quality Assurance Lifecycle (QALC) as needed. This inevitably enhances the client’s existing QALC and typically provides immediate positive impact.

QA Process Assessments - N2N’s goal in a QA Process Assessment is to identify where you are in your ...

SAP Testing- Testing SAP systems is a major undertaking, requiring SAP functional knowledge, proficiency ...

N2N will deliver or enhance regression test automation. We will identify the ideal places to apply or improve ...

Today, it is all about service delivery to the business and your customers. Your success depends on performance, ...

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