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The SAP ERP Business Assessment service from N2N is designed for companies that believe they are not getting the full potential out of their current IT systems. They may be facing business pressures from customers or suppliers that they are finding challenging. They have operational management issues in the business. They may feel that they do not have clear visibility of the way the business is actually performing at a micro level. There may be a sense that the current systems are somewhat old and tired and haven’t had the investment to keep pace with an evolving business.
All of these issues are reasons for undertaking a N2N SAP ERP Business Assessment.

The assessment will provide a rapid benchmark against other companies in your business sector who have faced similar challenges. It will tell you what areas of your operations can be improved and how.

N2N offers a phased approach to assessing the issues and needs of a company. Following are the key components on the Assessment.

The first phase is treated as a Business Audit phase. Here N2N will undertake the following steps:
  • Business Assessment – One of our Senior Consultants will interview each key business function head to understand particular issues they have and desired improvements they would like to see it the future.
  • Technical Audit – One of our Technical Consultants will meet the IT owners to review the current systems from both a Technical and Functional viewpoint.
  • Preparation of a Business Audit Report that will cover:
    • Key Business challenges by function
    • Areas of IT vulnerability / Gap analysis to show what areas can be improved
    • Budget costs for updating of the current IT systems to address the Key business issues
The second Phase is a detailed Evolution Plan. Subject to agreement to proceed further with the Assessment, N2N will undertake the following additional steps:
  • Additional Functional Workshop to review on more detailed business issues that were identified in the first phase.
  • Return on Investment Workshop. N2N uses a sophisticated modelling tool to assess costs of industrial investment and payback from new IT projects. The output of this can be used to evaluate any software project.
  • “Future Business” Workshop – This would involve taking your key business scenarios for the future and modelling them using SAP’s latest product design for Best-Practices in your industry.
We in N2N have seen how businesses have been transformed by well-informed investment in new business solutions.

We would like you to consider us as a potential supplier if you do decide to proceed further and we hope we will have given you the chance to assess our capabilities in the process.
We will ask for an initial meeting with your Board level representative responsible for addressing your organization’s business systems needs. More than money, the commitment is on quality time; time from the board and key function heads to provide their valuable knowledge and business direction.
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